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TSM Support Staff Update


During the 2016 Spring Split, we brought on Weldon Green during a few weeks to do workshops with our League of Legends roster and assist them in achieving their potential. This period of time with Weldon correlated with good results, and as such he has earned the respect from everyone on TSM. While our team has great work ethic, we tended to lack coordination and a cohesive team direction in game. The players have been very receptive to his feedback and criticism, and Weldon has proven himself capable of helping the team find their way. We feel that as an added bonus, he is very good at motivating the players in addition to managing a healthy lifestyle and schedule for them.

As such, we hired Weldon as to be a part of our League of Legends coaching staff. From our previous experience with him, he was able to help us run practice efficiently, and he played a large part at helping the team come together as a cohesive unit during the last split. His expertise in sports psychology was also useful at helping the players deal with personal issues and burnout. We hope that under his guidance, the players will always be able to give it their all on stage and come home victorious.

Weldon’s stay with us will be for the remainder of the 2016 Season as a part of a five month trial to see how effective he will be for the organization in the long term. We will be moving both him and his family to a location nearby the team house in Los Angeles during this period. He will be a coach and sports psychology trainer at TSM, and will be working with Parth Naidu who is remaining as our main gameplay coach.

“I first encountered League of Legends through HotshotGG’s stream, and swiftly set up shop as a diehard CLG fan in the trenches with my weapon-sights fixed on TSM. Times have certainly changed!

When I started working as a performance trainer, I had to give up coaching in exchange for the opportunity to work with driven, high-performing athletes. From them I learned much about drive, game-theory, and how to sacrifice everything for an ambition. During the last split I worked with TSM and met Andy for the first time, working alongside of him as he coached his squad. It was inspiring to see how his drive has transformed along the road of elite performance, his operations work, and his leadership. There was a lot of alignment between his and my core values: caring for players, and making sacrifices in order to do things right.

TSM’s offer to coach during the 2016 summer split brings my journey full-circle. From professional coaching in traditional sport, into the world of elite performance consulting, and back to the role of coach—attempting to lead young men (and hopefully women) on a path of mastery and victory. I hope the trial goes well and I will strive to fulfill all of TSM’s expectations: both from the organization and from the fans.”

-Weldon Green

“I’m really looking forward to having Weldon on board with us for the summer split. I have a lot of faith in his abilities to help develop the team and help them play the best they possibly can. All of us at TSM are excited to see what having him with us will bring; if this split is successful, we will integrate him more into our other game titles to develop talent.”

-Andy ‘Reginald’ Dinh




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